Sunday, February 22, 2009

For My True Friends, You Are A Blessing To Me Everyday!

You know I have been very blessed in my life. I have a family that loves me, no matter what trials we have been through. I have friends who would do anything for me and I for them. And my life although it is not perfect has some perfection in it. It is perfectly imperfect and I don’t know that I would have it any other way. How many people can you call a true friend? If you really think about, probably not too many people. There may be quite a few that you would do things for just because you wanted to help them out, asking nothing in return. But how many would do that for you? Those are the ones you want to hang on to. The people in your life that mean more to you than you could ever explain. If they hurt or go through a bad time, you are right there with them. You wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.

Now there are times when you are fooled by a persons intentions as a friend. They seem like they care more than words. But then it turns out they were friends with you to get something or talk to someone. Those people be careful of. My closest friends know the Lord and I think that fact makes us even closer. Just knowing that you will forever be someone’s friend. I thank God ever day for the friends he has placed in my life. They came into my life at time’s when one of us was struggling, and have continually blossomed since. These friends are my family. I pray for the best for them. They will always have a place in my heart. I have a friend that is more like family than just a friend. This person gives me strength everyday to stay on my path to being fit and healthy. I don’t even know if they realize how much them caring how I’m doing, pushes me to do better. So much so that today I tackled a 3 mile hike. Four weeks ago I wouldn’t have even tried it. But I did and I finished it. It feels great. And when I get to talk to this person later they will be excited for me. Just as though it was their own feat. They are my true friend. I treasure them dearly.

I have had a wonderful day. I started off with meeting at the Lord’s house, visited with my mom for lunch, hiked 3 miles and am on my way to work now. God is good, all the time. Remember to be thankful for even the little things. Never take for granted the little things in life and always cherish your true friends. I love you guys, you are in my prayers. Thanks for dropping in and I will write again soon.

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you in your walk with God and your determination to be fit. Know that I love you and am praying for you. M
