Thursday, March 5, 2009

Great Things Come Through Strife!

Well I know its been about a week or so since I last posted anything. So let me tell you why. Cause if you are reading this thinking that I have it together and I don’t have any trials going on in my life well you my friend would be wrong. And since I’m trying to be as open and honest on here as I can you need to know the really hard stuff too. This past week I have struggled with a couple of things. One of my best friends/roommate decided to change their state of residence. Not that it was well planned in advance or anything, just something they felt they needed to do. This however leaves me to pick up all the bills on my own. They have cut hours back at work, so knowing that I will for sure have what it takes to make the bills is still kind of up in the air. My precious dog, Baby Girl, hasn’t been home in nearly four days, to those of you who understand that she is my confidant, know that it isn’t easy to lose her. I am still looking for her and I pray that wherever she is she is safe and taken care of. So as you can imagine, my week has been up and down. Now for the good points, cause with the hard to handle there is always a light. God always offers some peace in the midst of a storm.

My weight loss is going great. To date I have now officially lost 19 pounds. After only 5 weeks, I am amazed at myself. The gym to me used to be an ugly word. But I was really missing out. When I get frustrated and things just don’t seem to be going my way…..I pray hard and then hit the gym or a walking trail. I now enjoy a three mile hike with some very good friends on Sundays. I hate to miss my gym time and sometimes I go twice. It is empowering to take control of the things I CAN change and let the Lord handle the things that I can’t. If you don’t know what that feels like, try it, I DARE YOU! So even though it appears that my life has made a drastic change, in honesty, that I wouldn’t have been able to really handle before. I have a new found power and oh man does it feel good. With every down I know I will climb higher and higher. The dreams I thought I would never reach are so close now.

I spent so much of my life thinking that I could never be more than what I am. What was I thinking, I was so unhappy and always wanted more. Not that I wanted money or an expensive anything. I just wanted to be able to look at myself in the mirror without disgust. Those of you who don’t know what I mean you are lucky and very blessed. But those of you who do. Pick yourself up. We let ourselves get this way an we can get ourselves out of it. Just depends on how bad you want it. And well me, I want it bad! I get up every morning no matter what is going on, and thank God for a new day. I pray that he gives me the strength I need to do the things he wants me to do.

I was seeking advise from a very special friend the other day, who told me something that really hit home with me. He said “ Kama, things are going to get better for you. You are taking control of your life and God is removing the obstacles that have prevented you from achieving. God is like your parents, if you are taking control and responsibility of your life your parents try to help you in anyway that they can. Just keep doing what you are doing and you will go far.” I don’t know if he realizes this but saying that to me made my whole bad week seem so worth it.

Having faith in God will let you see things and do things you never thought possible. I have WISHED most of my life to be healthy and fit. You know wishes are just wishes. Now I dream about being healthy and fit. Dreams my friend are in your hands. You control what you do to obtain them. A wish is the hope someone will do it for you. A dream means you want to go out and make it happen yourself. Love yourself enough to dream. It keeps you from crossing that line in to unhappiness. And if you have a dream what are you doing to get there? If you are sitting hoping it just falls in your lap, you might want to rethink that strategy and realize you are wishing for the wrong things. God didn’t say anywhere that he was going to spoil his children, he did however leave us a very insightful manual on how to manage when things get hard. God love’s you, and wants the best for you. But for you to receive the best, you have to want the best for yourself and know that you will have to fight for it. Most likely it’s not going to be an easy road to get there, but you know it is definitely worth the trip to get there. The best lessons in life come from strife. So what are you waiting for, life is waiting for you to wake up and live. May God bless you and keep you safe on your journey. You are always in my prayers. I’ll write again soon, be strong in your faith and the Lord will guide you through.

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