You know there are always times that you feel like the world is crushing you little by little. But if you stop to think about it, everyone feels that way, so why is it that you feel it only happens to you. Like everything is only happening to you. This is the first stage of a pity party. You say stupid things about why you are where you are, like, "if i hadn't done....", "if only they would have done what they said" or even "why can't anything ever work out for me?" You hardly ever have the gut reaction to step back and breathe for a moment and really look at the situation you may be in. If you did, the first feeling you would have is not one of self pity but of strength to bounce back from whatever is going on. You know people should really pull their strength from a higher power. I pull my strength from God. Without Him I am nothing. Now my life is not always what I want it to be, but I have realized that God didn't put me in this situation, I did. What I do know, is that even though where I'm at, is the direct results of my own mistakes, God will help me to get myself through it.
What situation that you have ever been in that didn't turn out right is a direct result from God? Think hard before you try to answer. The way I see it God takes the blame way too often when things go wrong. Even though you know God is perfect, you never blame the one who is imperfect and incomplete without Him, YOURSELF. When you realize that you need God in your life, you start to see things differently. You begin to pray for things you used to think were too small for God to answer. But now you understand and believe that no matter how small your prayers seem, they are all important to God. You begin to see that God is not only present in the good times but in the bad times as well. Then you notice that God is present even when you feel the loneliest. You are not alone, you are never alone.
Now I know that somewhere someone will read this and think that I have lost my mind. But think of the alternative. I have faith in God and his everlasting love. Where do you put your faith? I hope that reading this will spark an interest in you to learn more about God. I will pray that it sparked enough interest to get you to check back every now and then to see what else I might want to share. And well #1 on my list of sharing is GOD. Hope to see you soon.
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